December 18th 5:19 - 6:00 fixed the camera not following player if you went into a wall, camera would still move, watched tutorial to find s fix
December 27th 2:00 - 5:30 worked on the wix website, changed color themes and made blog categories
January 4th 5:00 -7:25 setup google drive and added new things to the trello, like contact info and links
January 11th 3:00 - 5:30 worked on the inventory and map buttons, they don’t have any feature yet, redesigned website
January 29th 7:27 - 8:30 fiddled with the old type of water bar, draws to the wrong place, and doesn’t work right, made it draw to the left corner
Feb 5th 5:40 - 7:30 Water not working as a normal object, trying gui, health concept testing some stuff in piskel, aspect ration
Feb 8th 6:45- 7:30 made art for the title screen
Feb 13th 4:30 - 5:30 Setting up new water system GUI object, correct spot on the screen, will implement into movement and inv when they are complete
Feb 19th 3:23 - 5:07 worked on sprites for the games homscreen (para-lapse), i scrapped them as i was unhappy with the result
March 2nd 4:27 - 7:04 New options for water meter, working on remaking it, as old version no longer works
March 6th 6:30 - 9:20 Water meter works! game closes when it reaches 0. Changed some sprites around for the home screen, water meter values are
fairly easy to change now, so it can be whatever time you want it to be
March 14th 5:45 - 7:30 water system broke again, crashes when you refill it
March 27th 4:30 - 6:30 more website redesign, tried making an icon sprite to be the game logo
April 12th 3:30 - 6:00 made the sprites for the health bar, made them draw to the left of the screen next to the water bar
April 18th 4:30- 7:00 Added health system, scrapped and redid since it was added to an older version
April 21st 5:23 - 7:06 Worked on new sprites for foods, waterhole, health, added health system, added 2nd enemy
April 24th 6:30-9:15 Website improvements, added images of before and after, updated blogs with pictures, etc
May 3rd 4:45 - 8:17 Control sheet, new logo, website, screenshots for website
May 6th 3:30 - 4:30 website and blog fixing
May 8th 5:15-7:45 website redesigned so it would be show ready, added new image box with screenshots of the final game, made icon a lot cleaner, and laminated the instructions sheet
42.95 +48
20 meetings 2 hours each 40
Showcase 8 hours
90.95 hours total